Workshop on Machine Vision for Earth Observation and Environment Monitoring

in conjunction with the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2024

Tentative Program

14:00-14:05 Welcome
Dr Sylvain Lobry

Sylvain Lobry, Université Paris Cité, France

Foundation models for remote sensing: which one(s)?



MALPOLON: A Framework for Deep Species Distribution Modeling

Theo Larcher (INRIA, France), Lukas Picek (INRIA, France & University of West Bohemia, Czechia), Benjamin Deneu (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Switzerland), Titouan Lorieul, Maximilien Servajean (INRIA, France & Université Paul Valéry, France), Alexis Joly (INRIA, France)

How Effective is Pre-training of Large Masked Autoencoders for Downstream Earth Observation Tasks?

Jose Sosa (University of Luxembourg), Mohamed Aloulou (University of Luxembourg), Danila Rukhovich (University of Luxembourg), Rim Sleimi (University of Luxembourg), Boonyarit Changaival (Hydrosat, Luxembourg), Anis Kacem (University of Luxembourg), Djamila Aouada (University of Luxembourg)

Automated trash screen blockage segmentation using deep learning

Remy Vandaele (University of Exeter, UK), Sarah L. Dance (University of Reading, UK), Hywel T.P. Williams (University of Exeter, UK), Varun Ojha (Newcastle University, UK)

Predicting Socio-economic Indicator Variations with Satellite Image Time Series and Transformer

Robin Jarry (Univ. Montpellier, France), Marc Chaumont (Univ. Montpellier, France & University of Nîmes, France), Laure Berti-Équille (Univ. Montpellier, France), Gérard Subsol (Univ. Montpellier, France)
16:20-16:50 Coffee/Tea Break
Dr Claudia Paris

Claudia Paris, University of Twente, the Netherlands

Bridging the Gap: Combining Satellite Images and Street-level Pictures to generate Comprehensive Reference Data for Land-Cover Mapping


17:40-17:50 Challenge Results
17:50-18:00 Closing